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Concept help - Comet Indicator Registry

Below is a list of all help pages about the different concept types available in this registry, provided by the extension 'Comet Indicator Registry'. Click the name for more information. To see a list of help pages for all concept types go to the Concept help pages.

Generic help pages can be found in the Help index page.

Name Details
Framework A Framework describes an organised collection of targets and strategic outcomes to assess a broad policy area. A Framework can collect multiple Indicator Sets and Outcome Areas to provide a complete understanding of the assessment of progress to a group of related goals.
Indicator An indicator describes a measure that is regularly reported for tracking performance of a process or policy, and provides relevant and actionable information about system performance. Indicators can reference Data Elements when defining their component parts, such as numerators and denominators, and Indicators may be linked across multiple Indicator Sets to track performance over time.
Indicator Set An Indicator Set describes a collection of targets and objectives. An Indicator Set collects multiple Indicators with common targets that are reported on together.
Outcome Area An Outcome Area describes a strategic target or standard for a process or policy that may not be able to be measured directly or efficiently. An Outcome Area may be assesed by performance against a measurable Indicator.
Quality Statement A Data Quality Statement records any known issues that may be related to a data asset. A Data Quality Statement assesses data against seven key factors: Institutional Environment, Relevance, Timeliness, Accuracy, Coherence, Interpretability & Accessibility.