The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) externally available data assets. This Registration Authority contains preferred data standards that may be of use across all programs within the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR), the Australian Government and externally to members of the public.
State | Definition | Visibility | Locked |
Not Progressed | - | Workgroup | Unlocked |
Incomplete | - | Workgroup | Unlocked |
Candidate | - | Workgroup | Locked |
Recorded | The Registration Authority has confirmed that all mandatory metadata attributes have been completed. An Administered Item in the “Recorded” status implies that the Administered Item may be shared across domains. All minimum requirements that apply to Candidate status. All mandatory metadata attributes have been completed, and all associated constraints are to be enforced. The contents of the mandatory metadata attributes may not conform to quality requirements. | Members of Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) | Locked |
Qualified | The Registration Authority has confirmed that: — the mandatory metadata attributes are complete and — the mandatory metadata attributes conform to applicable quality requirements. The Administration Item had a “Recorded” registration status and the Registration Authority has confirmed that the mandatory metadata attributes are complete and conform to applicable quality requirements. | Authenticated users | Locked |
Standard | The Registration Authority confirms that the Administered Item is — of sufficient quality and — of broad interest for use in the community that uses this metadata register. The Administration Item had a “Qualified” registration status and the Registration Authority confirms that the Administered Item is of sufficient quality and of broad interest for use in the community that uses this metadata register. | Authenticated users | Locked |
Preferred Standard | The Registration Authority confirms that the Administered Item is — preferred for use within the community that uses this metadata register. Content in this Registry is also available at For discussion : Reserve for data standards for Whole of Government use E.g AS4590, ISO, Standards Australia, Australian Bureau of Statistics standards, domain e.g ATO-Tax File Number, Medicare-Medicare number etc. | Public | Locked |
Superseded | The Registration Authority determined that the Administered Item is - No longer recommended for use in the community that uses this metadata register and - A successor Administered Item is now preferred for use A Superseded Item may be used but the successor Item is the preferred for use. Only editorial edits of superseded admin items are permitted. An administered item can move to superseded status from Recorded status or above, so the quality of the attribution might be no better than in Recorded status. | Members of Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) - Datasets (for Public Release) only | Locked |
Retired | The Registration Authority determined that the Administered Item is - No longer recommended for use in the community that uses this metadata register and - Should no longer be used Retired items should include a reference to replacement items when appropriate. Only editorial edits of retired admin items are permitted. An administered item can move to Retired status from Recorded status or above, so the quality of the attribution might be no better than in Recorded status. | Members of Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) - Datasets (for Public Release) only | Locked |
The below table gives more information on who can view registrations statuses, and registered items when registered based on the above settings.
Visibility settings | Users who can view registration statuses and items | ||
Less visible, fewer users | Registration Authority Only | Only registrars and managers in this Registration Authority can
see metadata registered with this visibility level.
This is a more restrictive level of visibility that overrides
the default visibility behavior.
Workgroup | Members of Workgroups that metadata items belong to can see registration status information at this level. | ||
Steward Organisation | Members of the Stewardship Organisation (Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR)) that this Registration Authority belongs to is in can view registration information, and can see metadata registered with these statuses. | ||
Authenticated users | All authenticated users in the Registry can see items registered with this visibility level. | ||
More visible, more users | Public | Anyone who can view the registry can see items registered with a status with this visibility level. Users do not log in to see this information. |