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This table shows items related to the item Participant.
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Showing 16 results.
Name Details Statuses
Participant: Active demerits
Data Element Concept
The number of demerits that a participant has accrued that are currently valid. A demerit is a penalty given to...
  • Employment and Workforce Group: Standard on
Participant: Age group
Data Element Concept
The age range that best accommodates a participant's completed age in years
  • Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) - Datasets (for Internal Release): Candidate on
  • Employment and Workforce Group: Standard on
Participant: Contract type
Data Element Concept
The employment service program a participant has been referred to.
  • Employment and Workforce Group: Standard on
Participant: Counted on compellable caseload
Data Element Concept
Whether a participant is required to agree to mutual obligations requirements in order to receive a participation payment and is therefore...
  • Employment and Workforce Group: Standard on
Participant: Culturally and linguistically diverse status
Data Element Concept
Whether a participant has identified as culturally and ligustically diverse.
  • Employment and Workforce Group: Standard on
Participant: Declared earnings within 28 days
Data Element Concept
Whether a participant has indicated to Services Australia that they have reported earnings or income in the last 28 days.
  • Employment and Workforce Group: Standard on
Participant: Disability status
Data Element Concept
The experience of disability, impairment or condition identified by a given participant
  • Employment and Workforce Group: Standard on
Participant: Gender
Data Element Concept
The way in which a given participant identifies their masculine or feminine characteristics. An individual's gender relates to their deeply...
  • Employment and Workforce Group: Standard on
Participant: Identifier
Data Element Concept
A combination of alphanumeric or special characters that identify a participant.
  • Employment and Workforce Group: Standard on
Participant: Income support category
Data Element Concept
The type of benefit that a given participant is receiving from an Australian Government entity.
  • Employment and Workforce Group: Standard on
Participant: Indigenous status
Data Element Concept
The Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin identified by a given participant.
  • Employment and Workforce Group: Standard on
Participant: Level of highest educational attainment
Data Element Concept
The highest level of academic qualification achieved by a given participant in relation to completed education.
  • Employment and Workforce Group: Standard on
Participant: Parenting responsibility status
Data Element Concept
Where a participant is receiving Parenting Payment (Single or Partnered) or they have parenting participation requirements.
  • Employment and Workforce Group: Standard on
Participant: Partial or temporary work capacity
Data Element Concept
Whether a participant has undergone an evaluation and has been found to have either a physical, intellectual, or psychiatric condition...
  • Employment and Workforce Group: Standard on
Participant: Refugee status
Data Element Concept
Whether a participant has been granted a refugee or special humanitarian visa by the Australian Government.
  • Employment and Workforce Group: Standard on
Participant: Targeted compliance framework
Data Element Concept
The Targeted Compliance Framework (TCF) zone that a participant is in. The TCF is the set of rules and guidelines...
  • Employment and Workforce Group: Standard on